Brand Blitz Sales Page

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Brand Blitz

Brand Photos + Brand Video + Your “About Me” copy done for you in 45 minutes!

As a business owner, you KNOW that offering generic services, relying on impersonal marketing strategies, and playing small just won’t cut it anymore in business.

Today’s consumer has A LOT of choices, and you KNOW that growing your business the RIGHT way means attracting the RIGHT client to buy-in to your product or service.


  • Who has the time to STOP serving their clients so they can give some love to their website?

  • Who has a day or two where they can STOP serving their clients so they can shoot branding photos or video?

If YOU are ready to check THREE big tasks off of your to-do list in just 45 minutes – that’s the length of a long lunch break, friend! – snag one of only FIVE spots in the first-ever Brand Blitz!

Here are the deets:

On Wednesday, November 17, join Amanda and Ben of Arc Creative Co. and Sara of What Sara Said at The Lumen Room – White in Dallas, Texas, for an exclusive Brand Blitz event.

In just 45 minutes, we will:

  • Capture on-brand, personality-packed photos that embrace who YOU are and will help YOU market your business to your ideal client;

  • Craft an About Me page for your biz website that embraces who YOU are, what problems YOU solve for your clients, and why YOUR biz is different; and

  • Record video of you doing YOUR thing with YOUR tools of the trade, whether it’s with a calligraphy pen, a camera, or a stack of open house fliers in your hand.

For an investment of $900, you’ll have a professional branding team capturing the YOU behind the brand in photos and video AND a legit copywriter craft an ‘About Me’ page that CONVERTS web traffic into paying clients…all in 45 minutes.

What You Get:

  • 20 fully edited, on-brand images

  • 2, 15-second videos and 8-10 unique video clips (perfect for a business website, social media, and more!)

  • Done-For-You ‘About Me’ page copy for your business website

  • One week of email support from Sara as you bring your new copy to life!

Want in? Head to the link below to snag a spot!

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  • Amanda Mendenhall

    Amanda is the photographer and founder of Arc Creative Co, and has a passion for serving business owners through authentic and beautiful brand photos. Business owners like YOU – the ones out there shedding the boring blazer coat in favor of showing up as they TRULY are. The ones who WANT to show up on social media, but that dusty, formal headshot is looking outdated and, well, NONE of your images capture how your business feels today. The way you market your business CAN capture your magic while kicking the hustle to the side, friend.

  • Benjamin Hernandez

    Harboring a deep love for cinema his entire life, Benjamin found himself entranced with videography. From running around his neighborhood with a camcorder as a kid to filming full scale productions as an adult, he enjoys the creativity and challenge that each videography project presents. He loves helping people bring their vision out of their hearts and into reality, and loves the creative process as much as the actual filming. His favorite saying, much to Amanda’s chagrin is: “A picture is worth a thousand words, and one second of video has about 30,000 of them”.

  • Sara Gillis | Copywriter

    Sara helps solopreneurs, creatives, non-profits, and small business owners stand out through words. She loves craft copy and content that’s word-magic and that empowers businesses to serve their people better and sell to them more, too. In college and in graduate school, Sara wore her label of “English major” proudly. And after nearly a decade spent in the classroom, teaching students to pursue what bubbles up joy in their hearts, she started What Sara Said and dedicated her work to encouraging business owners to embrace the beauty of a well-chosen word.